Regular finishing will keep your outdoor furniture in good condition

Your outdoor furniture is an important factor in improving the beauty of your outdoor living space. Although they are not going to last for a lifetime, you need to make sure they are in good condition all the time.  If you take a little bit of care, they will survive longer and look excellent in your outdoor area.

One thing you should remember is never leave anything unfinished. Choose the right wood finishing products for your furniture. You can search online to find what type of products is available with the leading brands. You can check the websites of the suppliers to find out what stock is available with them.   You should first think about your requirements. This will make your search easy.


Before you apply any wood repair products like the Mohawk aerosol, you need to make sure you sand the area first. You need to sand the surface down to bare wood so that the finish adheres well to the wood.  You also need to refinish regularly so that your furniture stays in good condition for long. Even the best quality finishes will wear away or break down with time when exposed to natural elements. So, you should plan to recoat your outdoor furniture from time to time. If you want your outdoor furniture to last longer, you should protect them from direct sunlight and rain.  According to experts who use wood finishing products, you should seal the wood completely. Make sure every nook and cracks are filled properly. You should look for joints, underneath and the bottoms of legs when sealing the wood.

Wood refinishing to renovate your wood furniture to its former glory

Refinishing wood furniture has become less of an intimidating task today, largely due to the ease of availability of high-quality wood finishing products. As with any type of finish, though, the surfaces that are to be treated need to be made ready in order to obtain a flawless finish. This is where a better part of people fail to come through.

A lot of brands out there incorporate not only a protective surface upon drying but also a stain, so you only need to concern yourself with one product – think Mohawk Lacquer. Having said that, there are times when you may need to first apply a stain, then the protection to seal the stain and produce a hard protective layer.


Mohawk finishing supplies near me

When browsing the shelves of your local hardware store, you will find a variety of synthetic finishes, also known as varnish, which can be applied directly from the can using a good quality brush, brushing in the direction of the grain. The brush is also important in obtaining a quality finish with these synthetics. Or else, you will find yourself doing more work than is really necessary.

If you are looking for a high-quality wood finishing product, just go online and search for, “Mohawk finishing supplies near me.” Mohawk’s finishing supplies have an exceptional quality and will undoubtedly augment your wood furniture’s aesthetic appeal and durability.

3 wood touch up products for quick and easy scratch fix

In this epoch of neo-architectural advancements, modern trends are breaking shackles of traditional material use. In a similar fashion, wood furniture has also been promoted from being an article of utility to an integral part of the quintessential modern home. But, of course, exposure to changing conditions and prolonged use can leave even the most magnificent wood furniture fall prey to scratches and surface imperfections over a frame of time.

With these three touch-up products, however, reviving wood furniture to its glorious self is way easier than you might think.

Touch-up pen

A wood touch-up pen is perhaps the easiest fix for scratched wood. All you need to do is use the pen to cover the area with scratches. That’s all!


Wood Touch up Pen

Paste Wax 

This is something that should always be there by your side if your furniture is prone to getting scores of small scratches on the surface. Simply apply the wax on the damaged region and wipe the area clean with a soft cloth.

Wax stick

Deep scratches can be an eyesore and to tackle them a wax stick comes in handy. Simply use the wax stick to fill in the scratches and then make the surface even while removing the excessive wax.

No matter how microscopic the scratch, it can degrade your furniture’s overall appeal. So, always keep these three wood furniture touch-up products handy and get rid of unsightly scratches and marks when they come into view.

How to Correctly Apply a Lacquer Finish on a Wood Surface?

Lacquer has been the crowning wood finish for centuries, thanks to its durability, resistance, and clear finishing results.

If you want to coat your woodwork with a high-quality finish like Mohawk lacquer, you can choose to do so with a brush or spray. Keep in mind that sprayed lacquer dries faster than brushed lacquer and using both methods on one project can end in an inconsistent finish. Although the brushed lacquer also dries fast, you will need a bit more time before you can apply another coat and even out the finish.


Mohawk lacquer

If you choose to apply the finish with a brush, be sure you work quickly and make a thin coat so you can always apply more coats as needed to help you even things out. Spraying, on the other hand, is more expensive, but it can do the job faster and even better if you’re working on smaller projects. When spraying lacquer on a project, you can choose between an aerosol can and a pneumatic (airless) sprayer, just make sure that you’re working in a well-ventilated area as the solvents are known to be flammable and have a very strong odor.

Lacquer finishes are one of the easiest wood refinishing products to use because they’re more forgiving than other finishes, especially when you’re brushing them on. They are also easier to repair and maintain in case the surface gets damaged.

How to Treat Minor Wood Damage in an Easy Way?

If your wooden items are losing shine or have developed minor scratches and dents, it is time to give them the care they deserve. The wooden items used at homes get damaged easily with everyday wear and tear. An inspection from time to time will ensure you take good care of them and address minor issues before they become large costing you more money. There are solutions to address minor damages to your wooden furniture. You might have seen many wood repair experts using products like Mohawk lacquer and many kinds of wood touch up pens to address scratches and other wood damages.

Mohawk lacquer

Mohawk lacquer

It is good if you have the experience to carry your wood finishing project. In case you are a beginner, still, you can work easily using most of the wood repair products. The wood touch up pens is used to hide blemishes on finished wooden surfaces. These repair kits provide quick drying and water-resistant color for finished surfaces. They help to replace the faded color on small areas.  You will find these products in a variety of colors and they are easy to use too.

Although you will find many suppliers of wood repair products, you should take the time to choose a supplier that will meet your needs. Shortlist some of them and then visit their website to find out whether they stock huge varieties of wood repair products or not. Also, many of them allow shopping online. You can browse through their website to find out what they stock. It is good to compare their prices before making the final decision.

What should you do to take good care of your wooden furniture?

Taking care of your wooden furniture is the best way to extend its life by a good number of years. There are many things you can do to keep them looking best. The first thing you should do is read the manufacturer’s care label properly.  This information is important because it is specific to the piece of furniture you have purchased. If you have bought it without a label, ask the person from whom you have purchased for any special care instructions.  The next thing you can do is avoid exposing your furniture items to direct sunlight. If you keep them outside, keep rotating or moving them from time to time so that they do not fade away with time.  Apart from this, you should also use good wood repair products like Mohawk stains and finishes to make them look line new again.

Top-quality wood finishing products like Mohawk finishing products are quite popular among wood repair experts. The DIY repair enthusiasts also rely on these products as they are easy to apply and help in getting great results quickly. Just by taking a little bit of care; you can apply them to your old, worn out wooden surfaces.


Before you are buying Mohawk stains and finishes, you should know what exactly your requirement is.  Also, compare the prices and shades that you exactly want.  This will help you in buying product that you exactly want. You will find many online suppliers from whom you can order these products. Buying online is a good choice as you will get the products delivered right sitting at the home.

Are your furniture items losing their original look and feel?

Your home is the place where you long to come back after a tiring day. And it gives so much relaxation when you dig yourself in your bed, couch or soda to rest your body and mind.  Yes, furniture items are an integral part of every home. The furniture items like bed, sofa and couch are a must of every home. These are expensive furniture, and you will not exchange them very often. So, how will you make sure they will last longer or provide you services for long? The answer is by taking good care of them. You should regularly take care of these items.


Apart from cleaning the furniture items regularly, you should ensure they are away from the direct rays of the sun. Also, you should keep them away from the contact of water or other liquids. Water and other types of liquids can spoil the look and feel of your furniture items. If not maintained properly, they will lose their sheen.

m612-25007According to wood repair experts, you should use good finishing products from time to time to take care of your wooden furniture. The Mohawk finishing products are the most reliable to use for your finishing job. They will bring back the lost look and feel.

When you are buying finishing products like Mohawk lacquer, look for a supplier that sells these products at a good pricing. Browse through the online catalog to find out how much the suppliers are charging for different types of Mohawk finishing products. This will help you in getting the best deal.


Things You Should Keep in Mind While Using Wood Finishing Products

You will find many wood repair products on the market that can easily take care of your wooden furniture. But, you need to keep in mind when you have to apply them in order to keep your furniture looking great for a long time. As there is a great variety of wood finishing products in the market with changes in the application, tools and changing times, so, it is important to reach the manufacturer’s instructions beforehand. This will prevent you from falling into any kind of problems later. While you are working on the project, wear protective gloves and safety glasses so that you are away from any kind of injury taking place. During the process of applying finishes, you should provide plenty of fresh air.


wood finishing products

Before you start with your wood repair project, you should also put in the effort to identify what are the characteristics of the wood on which you will be applying a finishing product like Mohawk lacquer. This will help you in knowing whether the wood is suitable for applying a finish or not. Before applying any finish, you should test it. So, you should test the product color on an inconspicuous spot before you start working on the project. Also for the best results, you should face the strongest light while working. This will help you immediately spot any runs, dips or missed areas while you are working.

The wood finishing products are too handy these days. If you are a bit careful, you can end up getting good results.

Give Your Scratched Wooden Furniture a New Look with Furniture Touch Up Products

Just imagine what you will do when your favorite furniture item is damaged?  Do you throw them away? Or you think of restoring it back to its original look.  Your wooden furniture is dearer to you and you will not like to discard them as they are expensive and also because you are attached to them emotionally.

With time, your wooden furniture will get scratches, dents and other types of damage. With good quality furniture touch up products, you can make them look like original again. You will find a wide range of wood repair products in the market like Mohawk lacquer. You can easily buy them from a reputed supplier and use them on your furniture.


Many individuals like to handle their furniture touch up a project on their own. They do it either because they love doing this job or because they have the knowledge to handle a wood finishing project. You too can do it if you have some knowledge. But if you are a beginner, you should take help of a wood repair expert to do the job. They have the expertise to do the job in the right manner. They have good knowledge of furniture touch up products available in the market. They will use good quality finishing products to get good results. They have an idea of how to apply them in the right manner on the furniture.

So, next time when you have a wood finishing project on hand, you should get in touch with an expert to help you in the project.

How to restrain wood furniture from weathering?

Have you ever given thought to why the wood furnishings in your home show signs of weathering so quickly? Over a period of time, wood has a tendency to lose its glaze and degenerate. The reason behind this is very elementary – day-to-day use. Daily wear can gradually undermine the quality of the furniture, causing scuffs, scratches, and dents to come into view on its surface as well as discoloring the wood stain. It’s not just dull wear and tear that can hamper the wood’s pigmentation, though. A legion of other factors, some even as trivial as accidental water spills can also slowly whittle away the beautiful stain of the wood. And while it’s improbable to avoid accidents or everyday wear, you can certainly regain the wood’s quality with Mohawk wood stain and lacquer.


restrain wood furniture

The most crucial part of wood repair products like stains and lacquer is that they don’t just work on furnishings inside your home, but can protect your outside furniture as well. Rain, snow, or even damaging UV rays from the sun, these products can promote the durability and resistance of the wood, avoiding discoloration and general deterioration of your furniture over time.

It is wise to invest in wood repair products that provide optimal protection to your expensive wood furniture. Over time, wood can lose its coloration, but with Mohawk lacquer and wood stains, the quality of your wood furniture can be prolonged to ward off costly restoration or replacement in the future.